Update on John Cave Jr.

Breaking news on a story Disability Nation first covered over a year ago. Despite a state order in his favor, a hearing-impaired Westbury teenager was barred Tuesday from bringing his service dog to school. John Cave, 15, his mother, his twin sister and a family attorney were met at the entrance of W. Tresper Clarke High School in East Meadow by principal Timothy Voels, who refused to allow the dog inside the school.

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New York State Div. of Human Rights v. East Meadow Union Free Sch. Dist., No. 10115533 (N.Y. Div. H.R. Mar. 10, 2008)

New York’s Commissioner of the Division of Human Rights (DHR) has ruled that a school district’s refusal to allow a hearing impaired student to bring his service dog to school violates the state’s Human Rights Law (HRL)

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